Ricky Essary
Chairman of the Board
Chairman, Ricky Essary of Milledgeville, began serving on the Hardin County Soil Conservation Board of supervisors in 1983 and was appointed to the Board in 1985 by the State Soil Conservation Committee. Ricky is featured as the 22nd Soil Health Heroes in Tennessee. In 2019 Ricky was appointed, At-Large Representative of Soil Conservation Supervisors for fiscal year 2020 by Governor Bill Lee. Ricky is a full-time farmer and has worked with the District for several years on various conservation practices. He has been no-tilling for 40 years and predominantly raises corn and soybeans on farms in the tri-county area. He and his wife, Brenda are active in the TACD Conferences as Brenda serves as the Auxiliary President as well as serving as a TACD Scholarship Auction presenter.
Ricky Blankenship
Vice Chairman
Vice-Chairman, Ricky Blankenship of Sardis was elected to the board in 2013. Ricky is a full-time farmer and raises cattle. He is an active participant in TACD events as is his wife, Lisa. Ricky and his family have been no tilling their land and rented land for 30+ years. He is an advocate for conservation practices and has hosted “Field Day” on his farm to demonstrate conservation practices and the results of implementation of those practices on the soil. Ricky also serves as a member of the Farm Service Agency’s board.

Secretary-Treasurer Karl Forsbach of Savannah, was elected to the board in 2003. Karl is a full-time farmer, he predominantly raises corn, wheat, milo and soybeans. Karl frequently experiments with the implementation of new technologies to further conservation efforts. Karl has worked with the District on various conservation practices, including grade control, field boarders, cover crops, terraces, and pollinator habitat. Karl and his son, Alex Forsbach were featured as Soil Health Heroes in 2017. Karl is active in the community as he also serves on the Farm Bureau Board and is President of the Tennessee Valley Farmers.
Scott Kelley -Board Member
Scott Kelly of Clifton has been farming all of his life. He was elected to the board in 2018. Scott is the Assistant Manager for the First Farmer's Co-Op in Savannah. Scott’s hands on experience with the Hardin County Co-op has further added to the board’s base of knowledge. He is often one the first people farmers talk to about planting, conditions of crops, soil and how they can help their land.
Patricia Stricklin-Board Member
Patricia Stricklin of Savannah was appointed to the board in 2020. She and her late husband, John (Kim) Stricklin raised cattle throughout their marriage and she continues to be an active cattleman.